
Shocking confessions of a nervous nelly.

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations. They have added up and meant much. But here the wheel meets the road like the wizard meets the toad (lightning in his eye suggests the magic that's to come). You have been a gangbusters gaggle of supporters, the sexiest, cleanest scrum this side of the Mai/Dix. I really am overwealmed by all your warm words and well-wishes, and I feel I owe you all a little something back. This will require meditation.

I'm going to Baltimore tomorrow to meet with a billion Johns Hopkins professors to talk about something. I'm not sure what, exactly, but it's not indie rock, college sports, or action movies, so I'm treading water. I'm pretty nervous.

How fucking perfect is We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes for this kind of situation?

Fucking perfect. How often do you really find yourself posing, as a question, "Should this be allowed to survive?" Well, I'm glad this is alive.

Back on Tuesday PM. Let's hang out. Wish me luck. I'm so full of love for you, and all the things I know are still there for me. Bless you all on this saintly day.

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